Stay focused and reach your aims - together!


A few motivated developers with different ideas and experience was putted together in one amazing team.

... we ...

READY - SET - GO!!!!
After discussing a few things we started our project with high speed - together as team!

... rock!

We decided to split up our team. Each part than concentrated on specific tasks and build experts out of every team member. Together we reached our aim - a great CiE App.

Group Members

Team Leader

Andreas Neumeier and Tobias Redl
The Team Leaders are responsible for all the reviews of new pull request. Before a pull request could be merged, one of the team leaders has to approve it. Also they are responsible that all the opened issues are getting closed till the end of the sprint and therefore they are searching for assignees or assign them to themselves. Another task of the Team Leaders is to take care of travis and coveralls. The Leaders are developers too and have to produce code.

Chief of Tests

Eduard Bartolovic and Oliver Stefan Hauser
The testing team is responsible, that the app is well tested. Therefor they are writing many tests and bring the code coverage to a high level. If they find a bug, they will open an issue and find a fitting assignee who will then fit the problem. If there is not much to do in testing, the testers are getting their hands dirty by writing code :-)

Chief of UI

Justine Giulia Probst
UI is very important, the UI team has a eye on it and is reporting any found bugs or problems directly to the developers. If it is a small fit, the UI team is fixing it without the help of the coders.

Chief of Code

Sean Wallace and Fai Phalita Lambrechts
The coding guys are mainly responsible to write code of a good quality. They are solving issues and implement new features. Sometimes they are writing tests too :-)

Chief of Wiki

Phum Tanggasemsun
As far as everything has to be documented, this subteam is providing a wiki with all needed information.