Together we can make a difference!

Users should be able to do the following: Additional comments
Scroll through classes The App version should be more user friendly than the printed and website versions, e.g. using icons / color to represent the 14 different departments; color-coding the classes (red, yellow and green).
Search function to locate classes easily.
view descriptions of classes The App version should be an improvement in comparison to the website, where the description is shown in a pop-up window.
view campus / location of classes To have an oversight of the selected location and be able to plan classes schedules accurately.
view lecture´s contact data This should make communication between students and lecturers easier.
Contact information is visible, as far as that information comes from nine.
Bookmark classes as they scroll through them This should make selecting classes as easy as possible.
Put classes they potentially want in a shopping cart To have an oversight of the selected classes.
To keep count of how many ECTS have already been earned. (idealistically this should occur automatically, which means there is a connection between some kind of central database, keeping score whether the students have in fact earned the ECTS by completing the classes)
This is not possible at the moment, because we do not get any information about this from the API.
The sign-up process
Select classes and sign up for them Idealistically classes that are selected by students should be directly saved in the Primuss system (which is, as mentioned in class, not the case at the moment)
It is not possible to communicate with primuss through an API.
If it is not possible to save directly in Primuss, then there should be a link to open the selection process in a browser, so students can sign up for classes as it has been done so far with a computer on the internet.
Instead of Primuss the lottery system of nine will be used to do this.
Keep track of all my CiE
List of CiE for this semester Have a list of CiEs enrolled in the current semester
Timetable for CiE for this semester Display a timetable/schedule for the current semester (potentially add other classes manually as well) Alternatively, use a calendar (e.g. Google calendar) as a timetable. Easily/automatically add CiEs to the calendar.
Keep track of CiEs taken in previous semesters List of CiEs taken throughout all semesters at MUAS. This feature is targeted for students who wish to apply for the CiE Certificate. This feature could show a progress bar and assist with the application for the certificate at the ‘Prüfungsamt’.
As we do not get any information about taken courses from previous semester, each student has to manually add his courses to a list. This is possible in our app on the course history page.


On the login view you can decide to login with a existing nine account or as guest. Also you can find links if you want to register on nine or have forgotten the password. Before each login you will be ask if you would like to help us with development by sharing anonymous user data.


The schedule shows your favorited courses in a nice and clean way. Also possible time conflicts are displayed.


All of the CiE courses can be found in the course list. Here it is possible to favorite courses and see some basic information of them. All courses are filtered by department and it is also possible to search for a special course. Also some possible time conflicts between the courses are shown here.


On the favorites page all courses which are favorited are shown. It is also possible to unfavorite some of the courses here. Possible time conflicts are shown here too.


The map page shows all three different campus maps. If you click on one of the small images you will be redirected to google maps and can for example redirect to the campus starting at your current location.


On the profile page all your saved personal data is shown, you can also track the status of your CiE-Certificate.

Course description

To see more details of one of the courses you can click on the short part of it. The next view which will be displayed is the course details page. Here you can see more information about hte course and the lecturer. Time conflicts are shown here too.

Privacy Policy

As of the GDPR we added a version of ours in english and german. It could be found over the profile page.