The Team 2 CiE-App

Every year a lot of exchange Students come to the Hochschule München to do an exchange year. But instead of enjoying their year abroad they first have to face the troubles of finding and selecting fitting lectures for their course. To help both the exchange students as well as the Courses in English team we developed an app to make this process easier and paperless.


Browsing the Courses in English

The App provides a list of all the english courses available as well as a search function. This way students can look for courses everywhere they are.

Keeping track of your courses

To make the course selection process easier it is possible to like a course to find it again later.

Appliing for courses

After you finished selecting your courses you can send your selection to the international office for the course lottery. Later you will receive notice whether you got you wishes.

Planning your week

To help you to plan your week the CiE-App provides you with a timetable of the courses you take. Additionally you can add custom appointments to you timetable as well as export it to your calendar via ICS.

Because its the first time in Munich for most exchange students the app provides maps of all the campuses of the Hochschule München.

The Github-Pages of the backend server